Secure Workspace app is now available!

| 8th Mar 2022

Secure Workspace helps you securely share files internally and with your supply chain. It allows your organization to keep sensitive data safe, collaborate faster, and stay compliant with regulations.

And now, your people can enjoy all these great benefits in an app.

It’s simple to set up and use, plus it’s totally free. Download here (available on both Android & iOS) or read on to learn the key benefits and potential use cases for your business.  

How can the Workspace app benefit you?

Our app has been specifically designed to help people capture data easily and securely while on the go. Any data captured within the app isn’t stored on the device itself, minimizing the risk of a data breach if the device is lost. This is beneficial for any organizations operating in highly regulated industries where data breaches are extremely costly.

Security is no good if the software is unusable, so we’ve ensured the app is convenient for your people to use too. Uploads can even be initiated whilst offline – they’re simply completed once you’re back online again. We’ve made SSO (single sign on) available too, meaning people can easily and quickly authenticate themselves.

The new Workspace app is also designed to boost collaboration. Content can be shared and managed through the app so if they realize they’ve missed someone out or they’ve shared data incorrectly, they can easily change this from within the app itself. And if people use shared corporate devices to save on costs, they can safely log in and out of their respective accounts.

Which organizations can benefit from the app most?

While the Secure Workspace app is beneficial to any business wanting to securely collaborate and safely share data, there are a few industries in particular who will find it extremely useful.

Public sector

The Workspace app is highly useful for keeping compliant with the wide range of regulations in the public sector. With detailed audit trails of all file interactions and granular retention policies that automatically delete content after a specified timeframe, you can effectively demonstrate compliance and stay clear of burned reputations and regulatory fines.

Local authorities/Construction 

If a surveyor needs to submit images whilst assessing a building, they can do this through the Workspace app. They can also edit the image prior to uploading, making it easy to highlight key points. Being able to securely edit images on the go can be helpful in instances such as applying for planning permission.


Injuries or broken products can be captured or uploaded from the user’s gallery saving time and effort scanning these in or logging in via the web. Being able to do this from a mobile device saves plenty of time and frustration.

Blue light

Suspicious packages/locations can be captured and submitted through to headquarters in real time by simply uploading them. Our encrypted environment offers enterprise-grade access permissions at the click of a button. This allows your people to control how teammates or external partners interact with sensitive files and keeps private content safe.


Injuries, x-rays and scans can be captured, uploaded and shared directly from the Workspace app.

Download your Secure Workspace app

It’s free and easy to get started with the Secure Workspace app. Just follow the link below and we’ll get you set up in no time. We hope you find it useful!

Download for iOS

Download for Android