Impersonation Attacks

Stop the advanced impersonation attacks that evade existing email security and lead to security incidents, with Egress Defend and Egress Prevent.

Impersonation attacks are one of the most common phishing threats


of all branded emails companies received are impersonation attacks


of cybersecurity professionals say their senior executives have been spoofed


of organizations have been the victim of a successful phishing attack

Detecting impersonation attempts is essential

Many phishing attacks use sender impersonation to socially engineer their victims by adding credibility.

Cybercriminals have evolved their email impersonation attacks to get through Microsoft 365's native security functionality and secure email gateways (SEGs). This leaves it down to individual employees to determine which emails are legitimate and which are spoofed, with a single mistake exposing organizations to credential theft, data exfiltration, and fraudulent payments.

Stats V2 Impersonation Attacks
Solutions Impersonation 1

Detecting an impersonation attack using trust and domain analysis

  • 1 Sender domain analysis. The domain is used to fool the recipient into thinking this is a genuine email. However, the display name matches that used by an internal user. An internal user with an external domain is treated with suspicion.
  • 2 Real-time alerts highlight impersonation attacks. Based on its analysis, Egress Defend highlights to the user that this an impersonation attack sent from an individual they've had no previous contact with.
Solutions Impersonation 2

Preventing replies to impersonation attacks

  • 3 Egress Prevent provides enhanced security to stop replies to impersonation attacks. Outbound emails, including replies to impersonation attacks, are inspected by Egress Prevent, with alerts that increase intervention to notify the user of the current risk. This further “nudge” will force the user to carefully consider their actions.
1500W Threat Trends Apr 24 Web Imgs Blog Thin CTA

2024 Phishing Threat Trends Report: January - March insights

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Solutions Impersonation 3

Cut through the noise to highlight the risks that matter

Reporting on threats such as impersonation attacks within email flows can be manual and slow. Even worse, systems can throw too much unnecessary information at you, making it harder to make timely and effective decisions.

Egress Defend and Prevent's intelligence platform provides simplified dashboards and critical insights so that administrators can quickly cut through the noise, identify email security risks and, where necessary, remediate.

Solutions Impersonation 4

Actionable intelligence

Data and analytics should not overwhelm you with information. Augmented threat intelligence into attack types, payload, and supply chain health give Security teams what they need to take decisive action that mitigate threats.

Our real-time threat feed offers insights and statistics into email details, type of attack, threat levels, authentication checks, communication history and how your people interacted with the email.

Want to know more about Egress Defend and its protection against impersonation attacks?

Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust enhances anti-phishing defenses in Microsoft 365 using Egress Defend

“We’re really pleased with Defend. We’re now detecting a broader range of advanced phishing threats, including BEC and impersonation attacks."

Trusted by global organizations