It’s arrived! Download your 2021 Insider Data Breach Survey Report

Egress | 12th Jul 2021

Are employees your greatest defence or your biggest vulnerability? With 94% of organisations suffering a data breach over the past 12 months, it’s a question IT leaders across all industries that work with sensitive data should be asking themselves.

And it’s the question we’ve decided to answer with this year’s Insider Data Breach Survey. We’ve spoken to 500 IT leaders and 3,000 employees to bring you the latest statistics around insider risk, as well as a selection of real-life stories from the people affected by data breaches. You’ll also hear the latest cybersecurity advice from industry experts and Egress analysts.

As we move into the second half of 2021, you need to have a strong strategy in place to deal with insider risk. Download your report to keep here for the best starting point.

Views from the top

When we surveyed IT leaders in 2020, it was clear that insider risk was keeping them up at night. As of mid-2021, 97% of IT leaders (the same as in 2020) are still concerned about insider breaches. And with good cause. There are a number of ways data can be lost by an insider: accidental errors such as misdirected email, deliberately breaking security protocols, malicious exfiltration, or clicking on phishing links.

In this year's report, you’ll learn which forms of insider data breaches are the most common and what IT leaders see as the biggest threats in a remote-first future. You’ll also find out which behaviours IT leaders see as the root causes of employee data leaks, as well as the channel they pinpoint as the most dangerous point of origin (by a mile!).

The insider perspective

It’s only fair to hear both sides of the story when it comes to insider risk, so we’ve surveyed employees across a range of industries including financial services, legal, and healthcare. Some interesting findings came up – such as 97% of employees saying they’d self-report if they caused a data breach. This contrasts with IT leaders, of who only 55% say they’d be alerted to a breach by an employee. 

Other results also raise some questions over just how good employees really are when it comes to spotting their mistakes – and whether we should even be relying on them to do so at all. Where do you stand on reporting, employee trust, and punishment for accidental mistakes? Have a read and see if any of the survey results change your perspective. 

Analysing security culture

Data security is a big part of a modern organisation, so we’ve also done some digging into what both IT leaders and employees believe makes a good security culture. You’ll also get the latest insight into the ongoing impacts of remote working, and be able to compare the mismatched views of employer and employee on how much of an issue it’s going to be in the future.

Last (but certainly not least) we’ll walk you through how intelligent technology can use machine learning to solve the problem of insider risk for good.