Egress moves to new UK HQ

Egress | 11th Jan 2018

We are excited to announce that in December Egress’ London-based team moved to a new HQ, in the White Collar Factory at Old Street. The decision to relocate our London office took us from Queen’s Park and placed the team firmly in the heart of the capital’s thriving technology quarter, Silicon Roundabout.

So, what prompted the move?

Well, for one, although the old office space had served us well, we had simply run out of room to accommodate a team that has grown rapidly over the last five years. We’d already expanded fill all extra space the building had and, while we had retrofitted all areas to suit each department’s needs, it split the company over three floors – and everyone agreed we needed a single bespoke office where we could all work together.

So we took the time to consider what the perfect space and location would be for both the team and the business.

Not surprisingly, London offered up a number of exciting options, but there was only ever one stand out: The White Collar Factory. This state-of-the-art building, based on Silicon Roundabout itself, is home to a vibrant community of successful technology and digital businesses: “[It’s] A globally recognised cluster, a diverse range of creative and technology industries driving the regeneration, growth and development of the area. The community is an energetic and diverse hub where even the world’s foremost companies aspire to call home.”

What’s more, our office was specially designed and built to provide the Egress Team with an inspirational space that drives collaboration, hard work and a bit of fun along the way.

It has been an exciting 10 years for Egress and we look at this new HQ location as the start of another chapter in our history, one that should be incredibly exciting for all involved.

We also don’t want to keep all of this to ourselves, so if customers or partners are in the area, feel free to stop in, take in the views and say hi!