How law firms can stop emails being sent to the wrong people

Egress | 16th Apr 2018

From our research, we know that more than one in three workers (35%) have sent an email to the wrong person, while nearly half (46%) have received an email clearly intended for someone else.

Sending the wrong contract to the wrong client could be highly embarrassing and damage your firm’s reputation. So how do you stop it happening? How do you minimise email risk and reduce the damage that human error can do?

Introducing sender verification in the Egress Desktop Client

With Switch Threat Protection you get technology that analyses data sharing patterns and alerts users to situations where they've added an incorrect recipient to an email or mistyped an email address.

The latest release of the Egress Desktop Client adds the reassurance of being able to enforce double-checking of recipients and attachments. It’s another level of user-centric security for email and file sharing, to go with helping law firms control access and secure data in shared mailboxes with message-level encryption.

Don’t worry about how to recall emails

Send Validation helps stop senders making mistakes in the first place by:

  • Enforcing validation of any external emails and attachments
  • Making sure the recipients are correct
  • Ensuring and files being sent are appropriate

Law firms can be particularly busy environments, with partners working on lots of different cases at once with multiple clients and other third-parties. The fast-paced working styles, the long hours and the need to share highly sensitive information can present a huge risk. Data protection is in danger if tools aren’t in place to prevent human error and help partners and their teams be productive whilst sharing documents securely.

The Egress Desktop Client, with its new Send Validation tools, means that even if someone accidentally adds the wrong person or the wrong document to an email, they are warned beforehand and asked to ensure it is correct.

It works in Outlook, it works in Office 365 and Outlook Web Access, and it works in G Suite. It just works.

Want to see how we help legal teams safeguard their data? Watch our webinar called Preventing law firms sending emails to the wrong people.