The quick guide to email content analysis

| 28th Oct 2020

What is email content analysis?

Content analysis uses contextual machine learning and DLP policies to check an email’s content against intended recipients in order to spot any abnormal behaviour and prevent a security breach before it can even happen.

What are the benefits of content analysis?

Minimising the risk of a security breach

From a security point of view, content analysis removes the risk of a security breach by making sure that users are emailing the right content when sharing sensitive information with recipients. By uniquely interrogating the data inside an attachment as well, users can trust that the safety net is cast far wider in order to capture a maximum number of threats.

Avoiding the legal and regulatory costs of a breach

With data privacy laws worldwide such as GDPR, CCPA and PDPA mandating significant financial penalties for any breach constituting a regulatory violation, sending the right sensitive content to the right recipient has never been more critical to avoiding the huge cost of litigation and fines, and preserving a company’s profitability.

Protecting reputations and revenues

Recent data from PwC reveals that a massive 85% of consumers would not consider doing business with a company if they had concerns over its security practices. Any breach will instantly burn even the most hard-earned of company reputations, putting customer relationships at risk and, ultimately, impacting revenues and shareholder value. Emailing the right content to recipients keeps sensitive data safe and, in turn, preserves brand value.

Driving user adoption and ROI

The rise of human-activated threats to email security is making it increasingly critical for solutions to interact elegantly with user workflows. Content analysis works seamlessly in the background to simplify email security, remove user frustration, and deliver tangible returns on investment by effectively engaging employees and driving adoption rates.

Types of email content analysis

Subject line analysis

Scrutiny of the email subject line against recipient and domains allows us to detect anomalies.

Message body analysis

We interrogate the message body to spot content that doesn’t match up with the recipient or domain.

Attachment analysis

We go beyond an analysis of a file's name and type to scrutinise content inside an attachment and spot any anomalies.

How does email content analysis work?

Find out how Egress content analysis works here, helping business prevent email data breaches as part of Egress Prevent.