Stop phishing emails across all devices: Mobile, desktop, web and tablet

Egress | 22nd Dec 2021

The days of your people logging into the same desktop computer each day are a distant memory. Old security perimeters have been scattered far and wide, with employees accessing corporate networks and applications from a variety of endpoints and locations. This was true even before the pandemic accelerated the trend of remote working.

Modern organizations need their anti-phishing solutions to cover every device accessing their network and applications – not just the ones Security and IT teams can see from their desks. This is especially true as phishing attacks can be even harder to spot on mobile devices. That’s why Egress Defend offers employees the same safe and productive experience, regardless of whether they’re accessing work emails from the office, their work mobile, or their personal tablet.

Why do mobile users need added protection?

Findings from our 2021 Data Loss Prevention report show 72% of remote workers use a mobile device to access work emails outside of working hours, which means many organizations are going to see an uptick in mobile-related phishing attacks. The simple reason is it’s harder to spot phishing emails on mobile devices. With a mouse on a desktop, you can hover over links and see a preview of where the link is taking you. This option isn’t available on mobile devices.

They’re also working with smaller screens and buttons, where people are far more prone to ‘fat finger’ errors in which they press something unintentionally. It’s also harder to spot the small typos and subtle changes to email addresses that can be a giveaway of spear phishing attacks. On a mobile, you’ll often just see a display name, which can be spoofed, whereas on a larger screen the full email address may be displayed too, or it’s at least easier to hover with a mouse and check.

Phishing protection across all devices

With Defend, your employees don’t need to choose between the flexibility of mobile working and being protected from phishing – they can have both. Our anti-phishing solution adds banners at the transport level (email level), which means you get the same protection across all devices. That means people get the same heat-based, real-time alerts whenever Defend detects a phishing threat, regardless of which device they happen to be using.

Your organization’s privacy is also protected with Defend. Unlike some email security providers, we don’t route customer data through our proprietary cloud infrastructure. Our technology works at the email gateway – so we’ll never need to pull your emails through our own infrastructure to check them for signs of phishing.

Great user experience across all devices

BYOD (bring your own devices) is increasingly popular thanks to the flexibility it gives people – especially those who work remotely or on the go. It would therefore be counter-productive to make their lives harder with cybersecurity software that offers a poor experience on mobile. People expect good experience across all the devices they work on.

Egress Defend works in the same way across all types of devices. The heat-based warnings and insights that Egress Defend adds to mobile devices have been designed to render perfectly within mobile apps without affecting the layout of the original email message.

This means people won’t need to pinch screens to zoom in and scroll across, as can happen when integrating other solutions into mobile applications. People get the same responsive and viewable user experience across all on any endpoint. Defend also works just as effectively on webmail as the Outlook app (whether people are using Windows, Mac, or Linux).

Essentially, Defend gives employees the flexibility to work in the way they want – and stay protected from phishing whatever they choose to work on.

See Defend in action

Learn more about Egress Defend here. Or if you’d rather try it out for yourself, claim your free no-strings-attached demo today.