Email analysis software

Egress | 1st Jan 2020

Scan email content and attachments

  • Help users send the right data to the right people. It is all too easy for users to cause a data breach by accidentally emailing confidential information to the wrong person or domain. Unintentional insider breach is one of the most common causes of data breaches and difficult to address.
  • Take control with content analysis. Egress email analysis software scans and analyses the content of emails and file attachments and combines this with understanding of typical user behaviour to highlight potential mistakes before the user hits send.
  • Scan, scrutinise and secure in real-time. Intelligent email analysis takes place automatically in the background, so the user’s workflow is only interrupted when a security risk is detected. Users stay productive and data stays secure.

Learn how to prevent insider breaches

Email header analysis

  • Detect unexpected recipients.When a recipient is added to an existing email chain, Egress analyses the address to assess whether this recipient is authorised

Email content analysis

  • Analyse email content and behaviour to reduce breach risk. Egress email analysis software uses robust criteria to assess the risk of a mis-addressed email, asking: Do email addresses found in attachments or message content match the recipient’s address? Based on typical user behaviour, has this type of content been sent to this recipient before? Has content of this type been sent to this email domain before?
  • Safeguard high risk data. Email content analysis also detects specific types of high-risk data - such as credit card data and national insurance numbers – in emails and attachments and queries whether this category of content has been sent to this email or domain previously.
  • Give users the final say. When risks are identified Egress alerts the user at the point of send to correct errors or confirm that the content should be sent to the chosen recipient.

Enable risk-based protection with machine learning

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  • Intelligent analysis. Egress email content analysis uses Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to learn the user’s typical email and content behaviour. It applies this knowledge to detect risk incidents and alerts the user only when unexpected behaviour occurs.
  • Security certified. Egress risk-based protection is certified to ISO27001:2013 and has achieved Commercial Product Assurance (CPA) from the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

View Egress' official certifications

About Egress

Egress email analysis software mitigates the risk of data breaches by identifying sensitive content and matching it with typical user behaviour to identify when anomalies occur. It is part of the Egress AI-powered platform and suite of tools that help businesses control unstructured data and safely share confidential information. Tools are designed to support users to make informed security choices and reduce the risk of errors that can cause costly data breaches.

Find out more about Egress