Secure Workspace now supports Microsoft Office Online

Egress | 21st May 2018

Egress has always been the perfect security partner for Office 365, and now we’re taking it a step further, adding support for Microsoft’s online document editing platform. Office 365 subscribers can now use Office Online securely within Egress Secure Workspace, enjoying all the document creation and productivity tools you find in desktop versions of Office, alongside the powerful security and intelligence within the Secure Workspace ecosystem.

Feature-rich secure editing with Office Online

Existing 365 users can enjoy full Office 365 functionality while benefitting from the leading file security and comprehensive user permissions that Secure Workspace is known for. Open Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents within Office document editing environments and work on projects with others collaboratively, online and in real time.

Powerful PDF viewing and annotation with ultra-fast rendering

Updated PDF rendering brings improved usability and additional features, with increased support for section navigation and document annotation. Add text boxes, highlight sections and add shapes to diagrams, all from within the secure viewer that's locked down until you're ready to release the content. With faster rendering and support for document indexes, it’s also perfect for digitally sharing legal bundles securely and efficiently.

A new admin dashboard for in-depth data analysis

With the new dashboard, administrators can get the full picture on their organisation’s zone usage. Graphs and reports display real-time analytics on storage usage, popular file types, license uptake and more. Drill down into the charts for more detailed results too, with an events log to provide an easy way for admins to keep track of user activity across all their zones as well.