Egress Intelligent Email Security datasheet

The only cloud email security platform to combine intelligent detection with an adaptive security architecture to proactively detect and prevent both inbound and outbound threats.
Published on 15th Jun 2023

Egress Intelligent Email Security is the only platform to continually assess human risk and dynamically adapt security controls, preparing customers to defend against advanced phishing threats, human error, and data exfiltration.

Egress generates aggregated individual risk scores that are used to automatically adapt controls for products in the Intelligent Email Security platform. Combined with intelligent, behavior-based threat detection and real-time user engagement, Egress is proven to tangibly reduce risk.

Key benefits:

  • A single platform that detects and prevents both inbound and outbound email threats
  • Adaptive security architecture prepares organizations for threats before they materialize
  • Lowers administration overhead with intelligent self-learning technology
  • Augments security awareness by engaging users at the point of risk with real-time teachable moments
  • Significantly lowers time to respond to and remediate email-related incidents
  • Proactive human risk quantification with actionable intelligence
  • Fast to deploy with immediate time to value

Intelligent automatic threat detection and time to value prevention

Intelligent Email Security uses a combination of technologies, including machine learning, social graph, and natural language processing to protect against data breaches by reducing human activated risk. It comprises three products:

The response to Egress has been hugely positive. When we first went live, we heard water-cooler conversations where people said how much value it was already adding.

Phil Ruelle, Chief Digital Officer, BDO Jersey

Key features:

  • Detects and neutralizes sophisticated phishing attacks that evade existing email security
  • Detects and protects against both inbound and outbound email threats
  • Adaptive security architecture provides automatic security controls
  • Prevents misaddressed emails and incorrectly attached files
  • Intelligent detection of threats and anomalies with social graphing, machine learning, and natural language processing
  • Engages and empowers users with color-coded, contextual warnings and prompts
  • M-SOAR capabilities enable incident investigation and remediation


Unlock more value from your existing technology ecosystem investment through native Egress integration with Microsoft 365, SIEM/SOAR, Security Awareness & Training and more.

Empowering people with real-time teachable moments

Security awareness training requires constant reinforcement. Even when taught regularly using training that adheres to best practices, human error is inevitable and users still fall for phishing attacks and send emails to the wrong recipients. Intelligent Email Security engages users in real time, only introducing friction when risk is evident.

Users are engaged with contextual, color-coded warning banners embedded in neutralized phishing emails, and prompts warn of anomalous sending behaviors. By engaging users at the point of risk with real examples, Egress augments ongoing security awareness for tangible, long-term risk reduction.

Automated and easy to deploy, lowering administrative overheads

Intelligent Email Security is cloud-based, simple to deploy, and augments Microsoft 365’s native security and SEGs. Its self-learning detection technologies require minimal configuration or ongoing maintenance from admins.

Response and remediation tools accelerate incident investigation, plus detailed analytics and in-depth reporting provide visibility of user behaviors and risk. Admins can proactively identify key sources of risk faster, target training where it’s needed, respond with remediating action, and prove ROI.

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