Egress Secure Workspace datasheet

Collaborate seamlessly and securely with colleagues and external parties.
Published on 26th May 2022

Teams under pressure to meet tight deadlines need a single place to securely share, edit and store the latest versions of sensitive documents – particularly when collaborating with external users who are restricted from accessing internal networks.

Our File Sharing and Collaboration suite offers easy-to-use file sharing and collaboration tools so your team can deliver results faster, while keeping personal and commercial data secure.

Key benefits:

  • Protect your files with accredited security and granular controls
  • Accelerate business-critical projects with seamless mobile interactivity
  • Demonstrate regulatory compliance and avoid severe financial penalties
  • Keep your organization moving with our easy-to-use interface that removes friction

Simple, secure file sharing and collaboration

Our encrypted environment empowers employees to easily and securely share, store and work on Microsoft Office documents, PDFs and large files, including multimedia.

We enable administrators to control how internal and external users interact with specific content, and provide a clear view of activity through detailed audit logs. Multi-factor authentication delivers additional security for highly sensitive data.

Egress Secure Workspace’s full audit capabilities enable us to see exactly what our partners are doing – from the documents they’ve accessed to when they accessed them.

Head of Technical Solutions and Security, Peabody Group

Secure collaboration on the go

Using the Secure Workspace for Mobile app, employees can work productively and securely on the move by uploading documents, photos and videos from any internet-enabled mobile device - whether it’s connected to a network or not.

As an extension to Secure Workspace, the app also enables users to review audit trails, revoke access to files and classify imagery. Multiple users can access the app on a shared device, reducing your hardware costs.

Key benefits:

  • Protects data at rest and in transit
  • Real-time online editing
  • Granular permissions control how users interact with content
  • Seamless mobile experience
  • Detailed audit logs for compliance reporting

Accelerating productivity with a simple user interface

Our simple user interface makes it easy for you to stay productive and finish critical work faster. Real-time document editing as an individual or team, version control, and PDF annotating mean that colleagues can collaborate seamlessly and complete projects in less time. In addition, simple file requests within Secure Workspace make it easy and safe for users to gain access to files on which they need to work.

We also make it very easy for colleagues to share entire Secure Workspace zones, folders or specific files, while it’s free for third parties to access content shared with them.

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