Driving change: Nextbase and Egress advance groundbreaking road safety reporting

Nextbase now use Egress Secure Workspace and Egress Secure Web Form to deliver the National Dash Cam Safety Portal, enabling the public to report dangerous driving to police in England and Wales.
Published on 28th Jun 2024
100,000+ submissions since 2018
70% of submissions resulted in further police action
91 years of police time saved

At a glance

As a leading Dashcam provider, Nextbase UK recognized a critical need for improved road safety reporting amid alarming statistics of fatalities on UK roads. In partnership with Egress, Nextbase now use Egress Secure Workspace and Egress Secure Web Form to deliver the National Dash Cam Safety Portal, enabling the public to seamlessly report evidence of dangerous driving to the relevant police forces in England and Wales.

Addressing the urgent need for road safety reporting

With an average of five people killed on UK roads every day,* Nextbase UK, the world’s leading Dashcam provider, recognized the urgent need for a solution that could bridge the gap between the public and the police – empowering individuals to report evidence of dangerous driving and enhance road safety.

“We found our customers had a strong appetite to report footage of reckless driving captured on their dashcams but at the time, many police forces didn’t have the infrastructure or resources to manage videos presented to them,” explains Bryn Brooker, Head of Road Safety at Nextbase. “This meant that severe incidents of dangerous driving weren’t being pursued, allowing negligent drivers to continue terrorizing the UK roads without consequence.”

Nextbase decided to take action and started looking for a technological solution that would allow the public to quickly and securely upload evidential footage to the relevant police forces, in a format that they would be able to accept.

“The combination of Web Form and Workspace exceeded our expectations, ... with the web form specifically tailored to meet police requirements.”

Bryn Booker, Head of Road Safety, Nextbase

Revolutionizing reporting with the National Dash Cam Safety Portal

The answer came in the form of the National Dash Cam Safety Portal – a collaborative solution that utilizes the Egress Secure File Sharing and Collaboration suite to connect the public and the police, whilst simultaneously improving road safety.

Egress Secure Web Form offers individuals a straightforward online experience for submitting photo and video evidence of dangerous driving to the police, allowing them to upload both court-admissible witness statements and footage of driving offenses via the National Dash Cam Safety Portal quickly and securely to the relevant police force. Videos and images are then scanned for viruses and stored in Egress Secure Workspace for review by the police.

Bryn explains: “With the portal, anyone can seamlessly report incidents such as speeding, dangerous overtakes, indication failure, and tailgating across England and Wales. The simple act of setting up Secure Web Form and Secure Workspace has allowed the police to go from a position of limited visibility over driving offenses to having eyes everywhere on the road.”

“The combination of Secure Web Form and Secure Workspace exceeded our expectations in terms of functionality, with the web form specifically tailored to meet police requirements for witness statements. We were particularly impressed by the robust encryption, granular control, and comprehensive auditing capabilities, which ensures any uploaded content aligns with the police’s data management policies.”

“Dangerous driving claims countless lives, (and) through this initiative we’ve helped police make the roads safer.”

Bryn Booker, Head of Road Safety, Nextbase

Secure Web Form and Secure Workspace transform road safety nationwide

Since its inception in 2018, the National Dashcam Safety Portal is now used by the majority of police forces in England and Wales, with Egress data showing over 100,000 submissions from the public within five years. Of the 33,500 video submissions made in 2023 alone, 70% have resulted in further action – including warning letters, fines and even prosecution as a direct result of the initiative.

“This partnership has not only given us the seamless solution we needed to help make the roads safer, but we estimate that it has saved up to 91 years of police time, showing immediate returns each time a force signed up,” says Bryn. “Following the portal’s success in the UK we want to see it grow, using the momentum we’ve gained to expand into Europe and other regions across the world.”

 With this partnership, every individual now has a secure and streamlined way to report road crimes, and in turn the police have unprecedented access to the public’s footage. Bryn concludes: “Dangerous driving claims countless lives. Through this initiative, we’ve helped police make the roads safer by removing those reckless drivers and making others think twice before they endanger themselves and others.”

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